My name is Holly I am 26. I am a SAHM of three. Caitlin is 5, Jake is 4 and Lauren is 21 Months. I live in the North GA area in the U.S. I like to play "The Sims 2"
I have also read all of the Harry Potter Books. I enjoy working on my msn group with my sister.
I also "helping" with my good friends site on MSN. Though I have to tell you she does most of the work.
I am also working on painting some "sigs" and other graphics for the groups. They are flowers and I enjoy working on them. I find it rather soothing especially after the kids are acting up. When Jake is really bouncing off the walls.. Lol.. He tends to do that a lot.
Caitlin is very grouchy considering her age. She can be difficult to get to know. She had a lot of trouble in Pre-K last year playing with other kids. Jake on the other hand just goes with the flow when it comes to school. He has double personalities. He is mellow and helpful there and a "wild man" at home. Jumping from dresser to bed. From sofa to coffee table.. He can be a handful. Lauren is a not typical toddler. She hasn't yet found in interesting to go exploring. She stays right with me. I call her my "sidekick". She doesn't do like Caitlin and Jake did when they where smaller. She still naps and in the process of potty training, she isn't even 2 yet. I am so proud and looking forward to the day I never have to change a diaper on these kids.. lol. Lauren is a very good baby. She gets mad when I call her a baby. I am going to have a heck of a time getting her off the pacifier though. Hopefully she will be potty trained before too long. Will keep this updated on their progress in school and other things.