This was made with a Cherie Roberts Tube, and with an "Afee Scrap kit" I used some brushes on it too. Made it for a tube challenge at a group I am a member of over on MSN. Wasn't in the mood to tag very much today, I tried but I just couldn't. Name of tag you ask? "I'm just a girl." lol. I was hearing that No Doubt song in my head as I was putting the words behind the girl. "I;m just a girl, I'm just a girl in the world." Isn't that how it goes. lol. I am in a very strange mood. I have bitten of my thumb nail til it hurts and (Yes I know filthy habit) I usually don't do it. I am just in a mood. I am feeling rather I don't know. Dark? With a side of mischievous. My dad seemed that way a lot. He had a funny sense of humor. Man, I miss that about him. He would get this wild look in his eye. And a grin so big you could see it even behind his full hairy beard. lol. He rarely smiled. But when he did it was memorable. I was remembering a little bit ago, about the house me and Jen (my sister) grew up in. I was remembering one of the times we actually had snow. I was wearing this big poofy blue coat. Jen towered beside me as always, wearing a red ball cap that read Red Man Chewing Tobacco. Got that around here somewhere. Those little moments that you make into memories are the most important. I had no idea that one little moment we stood on that rickety front porch would bring back such good times from that time. Mom was in the yard taking pictures of the big snow flakes. Rare occurrence back then. Even rarer today. Well I am holding Lauren right now, so I best be off making more sweet memories now. While the kids are still little. I need to pet Chris too. He seems to have gotten sick along with Caitlin. Oh before I leave for tonight. I miss you Jen. I hope I can visit you soon!