I almost forgot with all the craziness that is Christmas Week to touch on some of the finer or whatever points of the week so far. It is Friday, something else might happen. You never know.. Lets go back to Monday. I was getting the house ready for our visit from Chris' part of the family. So I wanted the house to be very clean where i wouldnt have to constantly be cleaning during their visit. Ok. That part worked. So afterwards I go to get in the shower. I turn and the shaving cream can. (Nearly all the way full too) crashing down on my right foot. I cuss, hop around a little, get soap in my eye. Foot Throbbing, I finish my shower. While drying my poor foot I am already got a circle brush on the top right side of my foot around my pinkie toe too!. Yes the bottom of the dang can is what hit me. So, admirring the stupid bruise I am secretly wishing one of those little bones didn't get cracked. I go on about my day thankfully the foot seems fine. Tuesday brings in Christmas and Family. *part of it anyway* I was wishing Jen, my sister would have been able to come up but I knew it would be nearly impossible for her to make the trip from Georgia to Kentucky with her leg as bad as it is. I cook a modest dinner with only three kinds of desserts, usually I go all out. Pumpkin Pies, Lemon Meringue Pies, Cookies, Cakes, Fudge and Brownies. Some times more. But I just make a batch of cookies pumpkin pies and lemon pies coz that is what Caitlin wanted. Started then to notice that Caitlin wasn't feeling too good. She was a bit mouthy at first, but then her cheeks began to become more rosy. A sure sign she isn't feeling too good. Wednesday brings in some wind and chillier temps. So with having family in town we need to some em around. So we go to the Museum on the base here, I have been here a year and never set foot in it til that Wednesday. It wasn't flashy or anything, it showed the heroes and the fallen soldiers of years past. Then it showed the back in the day uniforms soldiers wore. The tanks, jeeps and other stuff they would drive or operate or the weapons. There was all sorts of stuff from each era of war, the world wars, Vietnam war, Korean War, They even had stuff the enemy wore. A plane you could step into to see what soldiers would see.The thing that touched me the most was the wall of fallen soldiers from the base here. The sometimes smiling faces looking down at me, while "Some Gave All" Played softly in the background. It yanked at my heartstrings like nothing else has. The ones who sacrificed their lives... Then to think of their loved ones who sent off a loved one to war and in return got a flag and I am sorry, they gave their live for their country you should be proud. I crumbled. Knowing just in the up coming months that Chris would have to go "over there" I was trying to contain myself this was at the end of the short walk through the museum. The others had went in search of a rest room.
Then they had a memorial similar to the one in Washington of all the names of the fallen. It wasn't nearly as touching as the pictures that were inside. What is a name to a stranger? Especially without a telling of what happened. Sometimes you don't want to know what did happen.. The impact of that visit was more than the dread of what is coming up. How the shift of life is and how guilty I felt that the reason Chris re-enlisted in the first place was to get me to be able to have help with my headaches, and what a pain it is to go to the doctor here. Just what you go through now, just to get an appointment with your doctor.. Sometimes having to call back hour after hour day after day. Just to be seen about a cold... Thursday, our visitors had to head back home. So things sort of went back to normal. Had to take Caitlin to the doctor. Called the clinic up here at the hospital. Couldn't get an appointment with them so they referred me to another clinic a town away. Caitlin was complaining about her throat, headache, fever and cough. It turned out she had an ear infection? That dont make sense? She said her ear didn't hurt!! Oy vey. Friday, today. No plans, I just finished cooking muffins. I want to do something haven't figured out what yet... Just wondering how long Chris will have to work. I have the eager feeling of giving him a big hug...
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