Yeah I am used to staying up late, and psping. Well tonight I am doing that because I am unwell and thought I could stay up to make sure I don't uh, get sick again, and I have..... Then Caitlin wakes up with growing pains in her leg. She cannot deal with pain like that. I used to have them and still have the similar pain even though I quit growing many moons ago. With all the pain I had you would thing I would be freaking six foot tall like my sister. But NO!! I am short barely five' three ". Short like Ma! lol........ Anyways I made two tags, I have been medicating myself and I am really not liking the results of these two. Hey I am entitled to an off night, I think I know one way to fix this first one though. It is called "Love is a killer" I was listening to Vixen that is why I came up with the title. That was the song was playing.... Heck the song that is playing right now is Whiskey in a Jar.... Metallica.. Oops it just changed, Garbage's "I think I am Paranoid" I wonder if i could make a tag about those songs..... Anyway back to Love is a

On to the blue tag, I used Scrappy Expressions New Beginnings scrap materials. Thank You Melissa for sharing your talent. She even contributed the word art with this kit. I think it is missing something but my concentration was broke when Caitlin came crying to me about her poor leg. I may have saved it too early. But hey maybe I will feel better tomorrow and can tweak with them. This was also done with a Popeye Wong tube. See told you I love his work.
On a similar but not really note. I was over at my my space page today. Updated my blog there. I try not (now) to over load one with emotion or tags, but sometimes I can't help myself. I went in a put a whole bunch of friend requests. One of them was Elias Chatzoudis and Keith Garvey. Elias accepted me but Garv had not yet. Probably a busy man! I also was excepted by Stickerchick the co that helps with their tubes. I was so stoked YAY!! I also put in for the Ghost Hunters or Taps to be my friend. Grant so far is the only one to accept me... Well my eyeballs are telling me to go to bed so I best listen to them. I will hopefully look over this with fresh eyes, if I have time anyway. Lauren is sick again. Running a 102.8 temp so I may be over at the clinic/hospital with her tomorrow. It could get ugly. I have such a hard time getting a freaking appt there, with the doc's that is covered under my insurance. Well the doc that my insurance picked for me. I am so pissed I can never get an appt. anymore. But hey I can be pissed but I still won't get no freaking appt. lol. Well, going to check in over at Obsessions and go to bed. I was washing a load of towels. What the hell is wrong with me?! Damn Washer has been leaking or something. I had to mop up some water. It puddles. Well tootles I am going toward bed!
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