All the holiday's, official or otherwise, come early when you do tags. You have to sometimes start a month or two in advance. In the case of Christmas, it seems right after another biggie Halloween is over that is when you start seeing Santa Claus everywhere. Kinda like in stores. Same with Valentine's Day, as soon as Santa gets the boot all you see is red hearts and roses with chocolates until the shamrocks invade. That is probably why the year seems to fly by. When you see the holidays change in the stores you fret about it, then when you get used to the idea, you enter panic mode cause it is the day you put off is upon you. lol..... So here are some red, some rosey and otherwise lovey tags............

This is from the tut xx's and oo's http://www.mgminspirationsndesigns.com/rockins/xxsandoos/xxsandoos.html

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