I thought I would drop in here before I rushed off to bed. Tomorrow Chris goes back to work, and there is no telling when the kiddos will get up. We went to the grocery store today, so there is a bunch of goodies in the cupboards the kids would love to get their little paws on first thing in the morning. Plus Caitlin is still sick. Chris is too, he sounded like he was hacking up a lung a few minutes ago. I hope he is able to see the doc tomorrow. I hope he has a better or shall I say easier time with the docs up here than I do. Anyway, I made this tag, I call it Turquoise Dream, it was for a scrap challenge, got the scrap kit from boolanddesigns.blogspot.com it is a beautiful kit called Blissful Days, I believe. I love the colors, of course turquoise and those shades are my faves. lol. I made the tag with three tubes of Cherie Roberts' work. *CherieRoberts.deviantart.com* I want to give the folk their dues!
Well it will be short tonight, Lauren is coughing like Caitlin started so it might be a long night, Lauren can't sleep and cough laying down. She has to be sitting up. Possibly a side effect of her asthma (she hasn't needed medicine for that in a long time but a cold can aggravate it since it has been dormant for some time. The kids don't go back to school until January 7th. So if Jake is going to get it he needs to go ahead and get it. Caitlin has been miserable, now that Lauren seems to be getting it, they can be miserable together. I know I haven't gotten totally over it yet. But I best be going to bed..... Good Night.
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